Friday, April 19, 2013

Attitude will change your life!

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Some people say, our own lives are already all fated since we were born?
There may be really the presence of fate, but we still can change our own lives by changing our attitudes!
Attitudes do have an impact on things will happen in just a split second.
Sometimes you may think of
IF there would be an IF, I would be a millionaire now.
IF there would be an IF, I would not have divorced with him/her.
IF there would be an IF, I would have a better salary, better wife/husband, better life NOW?!

You only live ONCE! There is no take 2 for you, even though there is?
The ending will always be the same if you don't change your attitude.
If you are thinking all these things right now?

Get rid of the IF

“We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
― Charles R. Swindoll

Get your life started, living as you are really living.

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Don't waste your precious time on watching the clock ticking over.

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