Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to enjoy life?

How to make our lives interesting?
Sometimes you may think of why is my life so lifeless? dull? boring? lengthy?
This is what we will think of when we get bored of doing nothing new and challenging.
This kind of situation will always lead you to demotivation.
All we need to learn is to keep ourselves motivated on our routines, career, study.
Keep yourself moving! Look forward to your DREAM! Just GO AHEAD!
You may think these approaches are silly, yet they work for me (they may be feasible for you, too)
Just give it a try, it won't hurt. :D
Get some catch phrases (to motivate yourself)
Write something about your dream (grab it and read it through once you feel blue about your life)
Grimace in front of the mirror/front camera of phone
Smile like an idiot (this is what I am used to do LOL) exactly like this photo - see below

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